Results-Based Teams

Results-based teams are key to high performance and stakeholder impact.

Our Results-based teams approach (RBT) integrates 30 years of experience and research to help leadership teams, virtual teams, project teams, or cross-functional teams to maximize their impact through measurable results.

High performing teams are all about results. To achieve results, teams have to pay attention to key attributes, content, and process challenges. When teams pay attention to the right attributes, the right results will come.

RBL’s approach to effective team dynamics includes four domains and eight differentiating characteristics:

  1. Common Purpose: through shared mindset and team value proposition
  2. Governance through team leadership, roles, and competencies and team processes (meetings, decision making, problem solving)
  3. Relationships through trust and communication
  4. Learning through growth and continuous improvement

Misaligned team dynamics exacerbate poor results and engagement levels.

Teams are one of the most fundamental prevalent ways that we lead and execute in modern organizations. They are especially critical in times of distress, transformation or reinvention.

Research suggests that most work teams fail 60% of the time. It is rare to find a team that isn’t at best a collection of individual contributions and at worst a group that gets in the way of individual contributions. Misaligned teams, specially at the top, undermine themselves as they deliver subpar results and lack a process for resolving the issues and tasks for what they were created.

Doubling down on improving results without addressing team dynamics leads to chronic problems rather than sustainable solutions.

Building High Performing Teams.

Teams grow, develop and consolidate in different ways; their stages of growth and development can be different.

RBL’s approach to enhancing team effectiveness at any level includes focusing teams in on the results the organization needs the team to deliver. Development of team attributes is prioritized by identifying those that will have the most immediate and significant impact on the team’s ability to deliver the required results.

Our interventions help individuals and teams identify where they are at and where they should be; focusing on helping the team close those gaps. To do that, we deliver some of the following interventions:

  • Team culture: align teams across the organization to the firm’s customer-based culture and to consistent approaches to dealing with team issues and needs
  • Facilitate team alignment interventions: Provide highly interactive and engaging education and action learning interventions to help teams at any level gain alignment and traction around a well-defined value proposition.
  • Help newly formed/re-formed teams make agreements regarding their team protocols, rules of engagement, decision making and KPI’s.
  • Ongoing coaching to enhance individual and team competencies and help the team move to increased stages of impact.
  • Design team metrics and measure perceived impact from the team’s stakeholders and provide recommendations for ongoing success.

Aligned teams perform better.

When organizations invest in team alignment, they become higher performing and are better able to execute strategy with greater levels of confidence and engagement.

Team members are energized and clear about their roles. They are focused on the right outcomes and collaborate to achieve that outcome instead of competing with one another. They learn and can adapt to different environments and are quicker and more effective in responding to ongoing challenges.